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TLC Pond Perfect, 1 gallon
TLC Pond Perfect 1 gallon

Wholesale Price (Members Only)

Stock Status:In Stock

Product Code: TLC30015

  • 1 gallon
  • For ponds

Pond Perfect improves water clarity, eliminates odor, and reduced sludge in ponds. Pond Perfect is the only biological pond product you need. Super-concentrated with a superior blend of safe, non-toxic bacteria, Pond Perfect makes pond water crystal clear, eliminates pond odor, digests organic sludge, and even solves severe or chronic problems such as scum and mats on the pond surface or attached to rocks.

To avoid undesirable pond water, apply Pond Perfect before problems begin. When dosing to solve problems, results will be seen in one to four weeks, depending on the severity of the problem. Dose Pond Perfect once a week using this table:

Pond Size (Gallons) Ounces/Week
1,000 2
2,500 4
5,000 6
10,000 8
15,000 10
20,000 12

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